Products Introduction



Diamond instruments are used comprehensively in the industry such as aerospace, electronics, stone, construction, mines, metal wires, drawing, extension, grinding and cutting for metals difficult to be processed.

We produce diamond turning tool, disposable blade, diamond dresser, diamond emery wheel, diamond marposs and diamond abrasive parts.

  (Diamond turning tool & CBN turning tool)

Diamond turning tool: For cutting, milling, spinning of copper, aluminum and zinc alloy, wolfram carbide, oxy-resin, glass-fiber, rubber-plastics, ceramics, graphite, wood, compound stuffs…etc.

CBN turning tool : Applied to high temperature alloy (HRC35 above), nickel alloy, cobalt alloy, Cobalt powder metallurgy.

Stiff iron materials (HRC45 above) : alloy steel, instrumental steel, cast-iron.

 (Disposable Blade)

It is easy to install and unload and can be used in many ways. We provide types of triangle, quadrangle and hexagon. These blades with ISO codes.

Blades for negative-angle boring bars are called negative-angle blades and for turning steelwork. Blades for positive-angle boring bars are called positive-angle blades which 離隙角 is mostly 7°or 11° They are used for turning copper, aluminum and suchlike nonferrous stuffs or graphite, resin and suchlike non-metal stuffs.

 (Diamond Dresser)

  While grinding by traditional carborundum and aluminum oxide emery wheels, it will come with bias and uneven surface. Therefore it is necessary to trim by diamond dresser. Meanwhile the dresser also needs to be trimmed periodically to maintain character of sharpness.

 (Diamond emery wheel and CBN emery wheel)

Instead of traditional abrasive, they are superior ones developed and applied for grinding stuffs difficult to be processed.

Diamond emery wheels are good for wolfram carbide, ceramics, silicon, germanium, magnetic stuff, glass, quartz and graphite, for nonferrous and non-metals.

 (Diamond Marposs)

Generally the research institution and manufacturers use this part to measure the hardness and circularity, flatness and so forth of various kinds of metal stuffs, ceramics and stiff materials.

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Home Company Introduction Products Introduction Contract us
Diamond turning tool & CBN turning tool Disposable Blade Diamond Dresser Diamond emery wheel and CBN emery wheel Diamond Marposs

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