Products Introduction


Diamond instruments are used comprehensively in the industry such as aerospace, electronics, stone, construction, mines, metal wires, drawing, extension, grinding and cutting for metals difficult to be processed.

We produce diamond turning tool, disposable blade, diamond dresser, diamond emery wheel, diamond marposs and diamond abrasive parts.

(Diamond Marposs)









Generally the research institution and manufacturers use this part to measure the hardness and circularity, flatness and so forth of various kinds of metal stuffs, ceramics and stiff materials. Diamond is an essential tool during these experiments and measurements. We Li-Yang make use of merits of abrasive and compress on diamonds to produce diamond marposs. For years, Li-Yang researches and cooperates with some domestic famous makers of bearing and compressor. Our diamond marposs and cap of the hardness test machine won a great of praise for their excellent quality and most people use them nowadays.

Home Company Introduction Products Introduction Contract us
Diamond turning tool & CBN turning tool Disposable Blade Diamond Dresser Diamond emery wheel and CBN emery wheel Diamond Marposs

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